Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Another Day

I woke up in the night to the sound of the wind. It's 50 mph today. Also, the alarm at the diesel generator for The Village went off at 5:15 AM. The alarm signifies that it's running short on fuel. This means that The Village was using the generator instead of the connection to another nearby village with wind turbines. The wind doesn't usually equate to losing power because there are no trees to knock down power lines. I don't know why we're using the back up.
The ocean, which is usually totally calm, is sporting double digit wave height and white caps. The students were complaining of being kept awake by the crashing waves all night.
As I write this it's 28 degrees out but the windchill brings it down to -1 (earlier the numbers were 29 and 4 with a 40 mph wind). You can see people getting blown around by the wind from the window in my classroom.
Just another day.


  1. Just wanted to add - the water went off last night in the BIA and still wasn't on this morning, so no showers today and no dishes last night. Hopefully it gets fixed today.

  2. Someday these will be good memories. Is the lightbox working out? maybe you could have your classes write stories about where the wind comes from and see what kind of amusement ensues.

  3. I once talked to a guy who maintains wind turbines on the hills east of Oakland. He told me that they use brakes to maintain a constant speed on the turbine regardless of wind speed. If the wind is blowing too hard it puts too much strain on the brakes and they have to shut the turbine down. It sounds like that's what happened up there.
