Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Healthy Again

I spent all of last week sick. From Monday afternoon until this past Monday I had a variety of symptoms that I won't go into because it would be impolite. And really I'm not yet 100%. However, I'm substantially better with regular sleeping and eating habits (minus coffee - which has been hard). It's so nice to be well again. I don't get sick very often but when I do I'm a big wimp about it. Combine that with the fact that I haven't been sick for that long since I was a kid and you had a really discouraged B for a couple of days.
The sickness required a trip to the clinic which reminded me of clinics downstates (which is notable because most places up here don't remind me of their downstate correlates). The clinic was clean and orderly. There are no doctors or nurses or even physician assistants - just a health aid worker who looks up your symptoms in a book, asks the questions and runs the tests she finds and then reports to a doctor. She was very nice.
Being really sick did make me worried and frustrated about the isolation here. It would have been nice to see a real doctor in town. And I really didn't want to have to fly to Athol in part because a lot of the expense would not be covered by insurance. Fortunately that wasn't necessary.
Hopefully I can stay healthy for the rest of our time here. And hopefully I can start drinking coffee again really soon.

1 comment:

  1. glad you're on your way to recovery. I think you had a stomach flu or otherise known as viral gastroeneritis. Anything that lasts more than a few days is hard to deal with. Maybe you should lay off that musk ox for a while. Not miata55t - its the white rocket
