Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Windy icy no-school weather

It is icy here like nothing I've ever seen. The entire road through the village is a sheet of ice, as is all of the ground surrounding the BIA and the school. Anyone without cleats is pretty much guaranteed to take a spill at some point. And if the ice doesn't get you, the wind will. For the past 5 days or so it's been very windy, and yesterday school was actually canceled due to dangerously high winds - gusts of up to 80mph. Normally if school is closed due to bad weather, we teachers are expected to report anyway and put in a work day. But yesterday even we got to stay home. Today school began as usual, but at about 10:30 OFL announced that a sewer line was frozen and even flowing back into the school (ew) and so the school would be closed.

How have we been entertaining ourselves? Well, playing our instruments of course, and I've been trying to get a little ahead in my classes. Drinking tea with E, and watching Harry Potter movies (we just finished #4). Also, we made a podcast! We've got it all edited and are just learning about how and where to post it. We will post the link along with instructions for how to download (for those of you uninitiated into the world of podcasting) very soon!

1 comment:

  1. uproseno sesxebi saqartveloshi aiget sesxi onlain saxlidan gausvlelad uproblemod uprocento sesxebi
