B and S - that's us, the authors. We're living here in the Alaskan bush for the 2009-2010 school year, teaching in the village school. B teaches Special Ed and S has a 50/50 Elementary and Special Ed position. Most of the time we live in Portland, OR.
OFL - our principal, also knows as Our Fearless Leader. Lives next to the school. Has a dog team, three rabbits, and several chickens. Looks good on an ATV.
K - OFL's wife and a teacher at the school.
E - our next-door neighbor and fellow teacher (HS Math). Hails from Minnesota. Friendly and funny.
H and G - down the hall neighbors. H teaches next door to me and G is from a nearby village.
Athol - the nearest "city" (pop. 6,000), home to our district office. We landed there first and will be returning sporadically during the year for inservice days.
The Village - where we live. About 350 people. On the coast of the Bering Sea.
Wow, this is a really great set of pictures!