Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Day in the Life

Monday to Thursday-

6:00 AM: Wake up, go to the "fitness club" (a room with a couple of treadmills, stationary bikes and some weights).
7:10: Back to the apartment for shower, clothes, smoothie & coffee.
7:55: Head up to school. Walk 200 feet or so, climb 45 stairs, walk another 100 feet.
8:00: Arrive at school.
8:30: Contract day officially begins.
8:45: Help out in E's first period high school math.
9:45: Help out in 2nd period writing in the transition class. (These are students who were in the Yup'ik only grades previously and are now transitioning to English education.)
10:45: Help out in H's 3-4 grade math class.
11:25: Teach my high school writing class. Up until this period I am in other people's classes helping special education students - and anyone else who needs it. During this period I'm the regular ed. writing teacher for eight high school students. This is the first time since I left NYC that I've done that. It's great.
12:20: Lunch.
1:00: Pull out services for either a 13 year student for reading service or a five year old for speech.
1:30: Speech pull out for a five year old student with severe articulation issues.
2:00: Pull out two 9 year olds (who don't know the alphabet yet) or high school students for reading services.
2:30: DEAR = Drop Everything And Read. The whole school (in theory) spends twenty minutes reading.
2:50: Paperwork (writing IEPs, grading papers, preparing materials, etc) or meet with staff about special education students.
3:40: Student dismissed. Two or three times a week I have after school meetings. Otherwise, I spend this time preparing for the next day.
4:30: The end of the contact day. I try to go home not too long after this. I'm usually out by 5.
5:30: Saxophone practice for an hour.
6:30 - 8:30: Make & eat dinner. Usually students hang outside our window asking to come in, pressing their faces against the window and yelling.
8:30: The day usually ends by hanging out with E & S drinking tea.
10:00: In bed with the hope of getting 8 hours of sleep.

Friday -
7:00: Wake up. We skip the "fitness club" on most Fridays.
The rest of the day is the same as others until...
12:30: Twice a month we have "reading buddies" (older and younger students pair up and read to each other), once a month we have "field day" in the gym and the 4th Friday of the month we have "elders" (groups of elders come to the school to speak to the students about the Yup'ik way of of life).
2:00: Dismissal.
4:00: End of contract day.


  1. It would be great if you could say a little more about what the elders say or do when they show up. Are they conflicted over the old ways versus the new American way?


  2. We haven't actually started "elders" yet. It should start next Friday. However, I believe it's all in Yup'ik so we probably won't be able to say much about it.
