Friday, September 25, 2009

It snowed

This morning OFL brought me outside to point out the snow that had fallen overnight on the hills surrounding The Village. No kidding. These are the same hills that S, E and I hiked up to on Saturday when we stretched out in the sun and watched the ocean. Now there's snow up there. It is possible that the adventure is just now beginning.


  1. No matter where you are - that white stuff is always a shock to the system

  2. No! It's not about THE adventure, it's about lots of adventures. Snow is just the next one. Landing in the Village in that plane was an adventure, I'm guessing, and so was the first Yupk word you heard, the first climb up the stairs to school, the dancing, the not so frozen tundra that almost swallowed you and your camera. I'm sure enjoying all your adventures!! Sounds like you are, too.
