Thursday, July 16, 2009

First Post: Leaving Portland

Our plane leaves from Portland in just over 3 hours (we're going to the east coast for two weeks before heading up to Alaska). The house is pretty much done: cleaned and mostly empty. The renters move in later tonight.

Some data:
  • at least 25 boxes of our stuff have been shipped to our village in the past couple of weeks
  • this doesn't include at least 300 pounds of food we ordered
  • we've spent over $600 on shipping through USPS
  • we donated or sold around 150 books
  • we sold over 100 CDs
  • we made 3 or 4 trips to Goodwill to drop stuff off
  • we'll be traveling 3,000 miles east tonight
  • we'll be traveling 3,800 miles west on August 2nd & 3rd
I have to get some food for the plane now. Next post will be from New England.


  1. I just screwed this up, so you may get it twice. You both are so Billy and Kathy, so Mars and Venus, so man and woman. I first read S and I see and hear and feel all the emotion; sad, crying, a short retrospect. Then I read B and I see facts and numbers; miles, pounds, dollars and seeya. It will be an interesting blog to listen to you both. BTW, I spoke to the FAA Manager whose group maintains equipment at places like Toksook and Nitemute and others. I am trying to arrange a site visit!! See you in the morning, Love DAD

  2. I feel as if i want to cry with you. Here is where the truth comes out from deep in the heart, the sigh that you are ready to take, but wish you had waited ass soon as it happens.

    Safe travel,

